Please provide all emails, text messages, briefing notes, reports, and any other communications (dated June 6, 2022 to June 23, 2022) that reference "Titanic Experience Nova Scotia" and/or any Titanic related information.
All correspondence between Premier's Office, Unisys, HRPD, ISD and the OIPC regarding the March 2018 breach of FOIPOP website from Jan 2018 to present [April 16, 2018].
The per-diem rates and/or special rate agreements for any child/youth in Nova Scotia's child welfare system who has lived or is presently living outside the province in group, foster or 'staff-model' homes or other residential care settings
Number of applicants approved, number denied, and amounts granted (individual and total) under the Boarding, Transportation and Ostomy Program. Monthly, over the last five years. Please also include annual totals.
Any notes, minutes, agendas from or documents produced by the Minster's Round Table on Environment and Sustainable Prosperity from September 9, 2017 to September 9, 2019
Please provide a coy of any correspondence or emails received and or sent by Troy Bond (Department of Lands and Forests) from/to Paul D'Eon (Nova Scotia Lifeguard Services)